Friday, May 23, 2008

Rockin' Ubuntu

Liking it so far. Amazing what is out there for free. Much easier than ever a year ago.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Empty Message

Twitter is awesome (and sucks)

I signed up for Twitter last week (and convinced a couple of guys from work to do it too) and I'm loving it. Except their website sucks. I don't the site itself but the fact that it's always lagging. Now I understand that its a young site going through some growing pains but their service is based around speed. What's the point if it takes 5 minutes to load a page and the posts fail half the time. It's too early to give up but some on Twitter don't fail me.

Man the Yankess suck right now

What was supposed to be a night celebrating a win and return of ARod has turned into a blowout in the wrong direction. One mistake in the first inning (a Jeter error) and the team (especially Mussina) blows up. I keep falling back to last year as my inspiration but if they don't turned it around quick that's not even going to give me hope.

Bulls get #1 pick

Thank you draft lotto. Now don't F this up Paxson.


This makes my day.


Monday, May 19, 2008


I used to have a sports focused blog but I decided to go with the random concept. Although the title comes from our good friend Roger Clemens (what a tool). I'm still pissed that he was ever a Yankee.

So last night I watched The Office finale with the wife. Pretty good episode. I'm usually not a fan of the hour long office's. But this one was solid all the way through. Then we watched The Soup. I enjoy this show because it slams all of the crap on tv. But Holy Hell some of the piss that is making tv these days is scaring me. A show about Dog Groomers? Are you f'n kidding me?

Btw we were watching this stuff because the Yankees are too dreadful to watch right now. Thank God ARod comes back Tuesday.